Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lucas reviews unlikely cross-species animal friendships

you guys all know how i feel about friendship. i am totally all about it. but it's 2012 and it's time to take things to the next level. human friendships will always have their place but animals hanging out is the new "people hanging out." we're talking rat on cat, dog on deer, and even chimp on boa friendship action, and maybe even a little romance? if unlikely animal friendships don't warm your stupid heart then i consider you a monster and i shutter to think what you are capable of. you heard it here first. unlikely cross-species animal friendships are in in 2012. tell your friends!


dream animal friendship combinations:
dog n pig
hawk n gator
horse n warthog
cat n donkey
snake n donkey
deer n donkey
man n donkey
man (Chinese) and donkey
wolf, whale n weasel friendship trio
coon, bear n walrus love triangle (the bear and the walrus end up together; the coon eventually meets a very nice lynx)
duck n warthog
chimp n whale
crab n parrot
sloth n moth
ox n fox

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