Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lucas reviews camo cargo shorts (DUDES ONLY)

note: this post is just for the fellas. ladies, step out for a minute and maybe go back and read this while you wait. that one was just for you.

guys, if you're looking to turn things around this summer and get the attention from the ladies you've always wanted, then good news, loser! i got you covered! you need to hurry up and get your summertime wardrobe in order and luckily i'm a bit of a fashion psychic. i can tell ya right now that this summers going to be be the summer of the camo cargo short. "but Lucas, isn't camo just for the wilderness?" no! shut up! these babies will give you an edge that the ladies will LOSE their minds over. wear these on the social scene and you won't be wearing them for long, if you know what i mean ;) :) :P seriously, buy as many pairs as you can cram into your dresser and you will be SET. i don't want to be too crass or overstate things here but all i'm saying is wear these for that special lady you've had your eye on and she will fuck your WHOLE family. wear these shorts if you want to have sex a lot. women will have sex with you if you wear them. don't wear them if you DON'T want to have sex. it's your choice!


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